Mike's Plan to Empower Citizens
Town Charter
Does our current form of government best serve our community needs?
Mike believes that more than the answer, the dialogue and process this question would invoke has significant value to the community. The process of founding/amending a Town Charter, or even deciding whether or not it is necessary, is empowering and allows the community to engage in a discussion about their government's ability to meet their needs.
Specifically, one area of focus during this process that Mike believes deserves in-depth discussion is around the Open Town Meeting form of government.
Philosophically, Mike finds the open town meeting form of government to be the most empowering and democratic of processes; with each resident being able to speak and vote on issues based on their specific interests and concerns. However, in practice, a system that allows, recently, never more than 2% of the population to make decisions that will directly impact the remaining 98%; would seem to disenfranchise more than it would empower. It fundamentally rewards those who can and do come while ignoring those who cannot attend for any number of legitimate reasons.
It seems to Mike, only fair that the town of Wilbraham at least have a thorough discussion about what operational mechanisms the citizens of Wilbraham want to use to run their community.
Increase Selectboard
Mike supports increasing the membership on the Selectboard. In doing so, it is his belief that we will have a greater diversity of thought and dialogue.
According to the Massachusetts Municipal Association (MMA), the Select Board have several essential functions which are summarized as "...sets the policy and strategic direction, coordinates activities of other boards, and hears appeals and resolves problems..."
Mike suggests a 5 member board would reinvigorate public discussion, introduce new ideas, and remove the stagnant feel of the current board meetings.
Procedural Education
Mike would like to see Wilbraham Public Access (WPA) and other avenues for education used more frequently and effectively to educate and train people on the process of engaging in town business. He has suggested so during a meeting of the Selectboard on May 23, 2022 during Citizen's open forum (audio clipped excerpted above).
Too often he has heard from individuals who have said something to the effect of "I don't even know what a Town Meeting is". Knowledge is key to the success of any process - and ensuring the stakeholders have that knowledge is the responsibility of the leadership.
In addition to using WPA to help educate the public on the technical process, an effective use of the service might include providing updates about town programs and information through a type of talk-show; offering highlights of the myriad of services and programs offered by the town.
Working with strategic community partners, citizens, and town departments WPA could be used to provide significant amounts of information to our residents in a very interactive and easy to digest process.